Integration with ERP systems

FAQs ERP systems

FHMAS (Tax Electronic Mechanism for Security) is the electronic computing system used for monitoring revenues and taxes related to the sale of products or provision of services, issuing sales receipts, and recording and transmitting this data to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), as required by law. The types of FHM are FTM (Tax Cash Register), ADHME (Autonomous Fiscal Processing Unit), and EAFDSS (Special Secure Tax Arrangement for Data Marking). To connect AADE 1155 with FHMAS, the cash register/ERP must use the ECR Token.

The Provider Service is a technical process that implements the transmission and authentication of digital invoicing documents, in real-time and automatically.

Benefits of the Electronic Invoicing Provider:
• Reliability due to the ability to verify the authenticity of the documents.
• Cost reduction due to fewer printouts, document transmission via email, online archiving and storage, etc.
• Ease of transmitting documents with the ability to receive and send them to the parties involved, formatting according to the European format, QR code, Mark, and authentication string.

To connect AADE 1155 with YPAIEES, the cash register/ERP must use the Provider Signature. For more information, please contact your ERP provider who is responsible for the Provider Signature process.

SoftPOS supports integration with all ERP providers that are compatible with the TCPSocket protocol and with all providers that are compatible with the WEBECR protocol.

The providers compatible with the TCPSocket protocol are as follows:
• Epsilon Net
• Posidon

• The providers compatible with the WEBECR protocol are as follows:
• Simply POS
• Entersoft
• SoftOne
• Epsilon Net
• Intale
• Eurotel
• Hit
• Heat
• Profit/Geoinnotech
• Tesae

Regarding businesses that use cash register systems integrated with ERP, the deadline for mandatory integration of ERP-connected cash register systems with POS, according to A.1155/2023, is extended until November 29, 2024.
ATTENTION: For businesses that already have their POS terminals integrated with their ERP cash register systems without complying with A.1155/2023, and where the amount is not manually entered into the POS, the new completion deadline is December 31, 2024, based on A.1146/2024.

TOP SERVICE 1. The ERP provider visits the link and follows the registration instructions: here!
2. They will receive (2) emails, one with the UserID/Temp Password and one with the integration instructions (Note: check the junk folder as sometimes these emails may end up there).
3. Then, proceed with tests in the Sandbox Environment: Sandbox ECR API URL: !
4. After that, in coordination with NEXI, they can be included in Production and proceed with integrations.
5. The User Name and Password are unique to each ERP Provider and there is no need to repeat the registration process each time.
6. Caution: The request is different from URL: ! which is used by Mellon’s Common WebECR.

7. From the FinConnect application menu, select Operations -> WebECR Code to receive the 8-digit code that is active for 15 minutes.
8. Enter the code in the ERP and follow the process to complete the pairing and obtain the TID.
9. Then, send transactions from the ERP to the NEXI POS.

No, there is an obligation to connect all POS terminals with one or more of the FHMs. FHMs that are not connected to any of the POS terminals can only be used for cash transactions.

Yes, a business can connect more than one POS to a single FHM. The usual technical specifications allow for the connection of at least three (3) POS terminals to a single FHM, provided that the business wishes to do so.

The integration obligations for businesses with a FHM integrated with an ERP software system are specified in the provisions of Decisions A.1155/2023 and A.1098/2022 of the AADE Governor. Businesses can follow the guidelines set out in either one of these decisions, depending on their operational requirements. If a business is connected with a FHM 1098, there is no need for a connection with ERP 1155, and vice versa. In any case, the business’s accounting department should keep track of the applicable status (1098/1155).


The endpoint for the sandbox system is:
https://ecr-sandbox.prd.api-fintechiq.com/v1 The endpoint for the production system is:
https://ecr.prd.api-fintechiq.com/v1 Kindly note that your user account authenticates to both endpoints.

ProviderData Signing

ProviderData.Signature needs to be Base64 encoded.
The WebECR service reconstructs the signature in two ways:
1. Based on the Token Crypto Proposal - Version 1.5 - 29/03/2024
2. WebECR Protocol - Version 2.5.10 - 06/08/2024
The order of fields in the Token Crypto Proposal is as follows:
1. ProviderData.Uid
2. ProviderData.Mark
3. ProviderData.SignatureTimestamp
4. ProviderData.NetAmount
5. ProviderData.VatAmount
6. ProviderData.TotalAmount


The order of fields in the WebECR Protocol is as follows:
1. ProviderData.Uid
2. ProviderData.Mark
3. ProviderData.SignatureTimestamp


5. ProviderData.NetAmount
6. ProviderData.VatAmount
7. ProviderData.TotalAmount
8. TID